Friday, September 14, 2012

Tips for online buying.

Purchasing products online (tangible products, ebooks or other materials) must be done with utmost cautions, which implies that you do not just run after anything that is flagged online without proper inquiry.
Here are some tips to safeguard your online buying.
1. Verify the site- It is important to make the necessary search about the site you are buying from,
to ascertain your level of confidence before putting your money. 

2. Manage your investment- Invest only the amount that you can reasonably afford incase your purchase is not successful or the product is not real. The amount you can assume missing.

3. Using your credit card, ensure you make proper and regular check of your account balance, also ensure there is not setting in such a way that your account will just be flying without your concepts. That is why I do suggest that you should only service the account when the need arises to use for online buying. I do appreciate opening a special account for these transactions.
Be conscious never to give out your account secrete that are particular to you. If any site makes a request of such, please beware and run as much as you can from them. That is, do not disclose information related to your credit card PIN, its personal!

4. Control your emotions- do not be freaked by the promises or the way the site is flagging money, the rich quick promises may land you into debt or make you bankrupts. Control your appetite for easy or shortcut to making money. In responding to adverts in these manner think twice, do not rush into any purchase.

Do you know that you can make more inquiries about a site you buying from through different means, such as:
a.       Type the domain name +scam in Google to ascertain your confidence about the site.
b.      You can visit and look up their domain name, to determine their base either it’s from western countries or Asia.
c.       You can verify or find out the customers review or summary about the site. is a good site to get customer reports about the site.
d.      You can also make use of "" (provided by MacAfee)it provides the analysis of the website that can aid your decision.
There are a lot more, just make the necessary steps that will enhance your success, have a safe buying.