Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Are You Not Financially Obsolete?

In our schools, we are only thought how to be a good worker or employee without being armed with financial knowledge. No wonder, most of us are stuck after 4 or 5years spent in school and unable to feed well and be financial independent.
Check these if you are cut in the traffic of financial obsolete
1.   Old ways of making money - most of us are financially obsolete, what do I mean by that? Most of us still lay hold to the old ways of making money or earning money.
If you critically observe what is going on in the world of internet and technology, you will be amazed that the old means of making money is obsolete, Get employed and being paid the daily, weekly or monthly wages, that can not take you far, have you ever had the thought of gaining financial freedom?
Purse! Have a re-think of the way forward.

2.  Monoculture attitude of generating income – do you know that depending wholly on one source of income is old style of making money, I want to urge you to have multiple streams of cash flow.
Do not live your life in tension, look around you and find what you can promote to earn your friend. It is possible to have a small poultry which will generate money for you.  Do not be trap in the rat race! Have financial backup.

3. Not equipping your children with financial education – giving your children financial education is one of the best ways to secure the future, my mind was opened when I read the book of Robert Kiyosaki ‘rich dad poor dad’ that equipping our wards/children with financial insight is the best legacy we can give to them.
Start now! Teach them how to earn money while in school, giving your inheritance may not be sustained if they do not have financial education needed, that is why you need to be educated financially.
Get materials that will help us.
Watch out for me eBook   Fire Your Boss First Before You Are Sacked’

4. Employee mentality rather than entrepreneur insight –have you seen any servant bigger than the boss or have you seen the employed richer than the employer? Which implies that for you to be financially free, you have to change your mind set of being an employee, retired with peanut and want to die as an employee, wake up my friend and think deeply within you.
  Start a business that you feel passionately about and make sure it will work. Think carefully of every detail in your enterprise and work on it. Do not settle with good enough results. Aim for excellence.
Success is guaranteed!

You cannot miss this, watch out for my ebook ‘Fire Your Boss First Before You Are Sacked’.