Some are still dreaming they are yet to wake up to the
reality, do you know that so many people had series of good dreams but refused
to turn the dreams to success and they died as dreamers?
I know and am very
sure you will not want to tread such path.
Dream will remain dream until spontaneous and corresponding
actions are taken toward its reality, success may not manifest.
You have read enough books on dreams, some are still reading
now, why can’t you take the bull by the horns and take the necessary steps,
having good dream is like desiring a good things but not supporting such with
necessary purchasing power, such you may not have in your possessions.
Let me ask you the following questions:
Do you know that pregnant woman will not be celebrated until
she finally pushed out the baby for all to see?
Do you acknowledge that people will not appreciate how
beautiful you dream is until they see it?
Do you aware that for your dream to make you popular or
known, it must be expressed in action for all to celebrate you?
Do you acknowledge that your dream may remain still born?
Wake Up! It is high time you
awake from sleeping.
If you are still dreaming about starting your business, dreaming
about learning that skill or still dreaming about what you wish to do, it
implies that you are still sleeping.
A thousand miles begin with a step; seek for people that
will guide you. Start your business now!
You may not know how high you can go until you set your
wings on to fly. Stop procrastinating; bring your desires or dreams to reality
Remember Abraham Lincoln, he dreamt to be a great man and he
started from lower cadre, though he met series of difficulties and challenges which every successful people did, but at last
he was celebrated as one of the Best President America Ever Had.
You can purse for awhile? Imagine him as a man that dreamt throughout
his life time till he died, never took a step, he would had been one of the
unknown fellows In America.
Don’t you think that you have slept enough, dreamt enough? Now is ACTION!!